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Support Devin on his quest for glory

Already liked, commented, and subscribed? If you want to further the revolutionary cause of Youtubist-Devinism, here's how best to contribute to proceeedings.

Buy my video game!

Here's a way to support my work, and actually get something in return! I created a turn based tactics game, which is available on steam. I'll get about half the money from each sale. All the details about the game are on the store page, so just click on the picture to learn more!

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Donate via Patreon
To take things to the next level, you can become an Game World Narratives Patron by donating money via Patreon. Note that preivously this patreon account was for the OfficiallyDevin channel, now I only want to use it for Game World Narratives support. There was a time when I relied on Patreon exclusively, but these days I tend to work for money (?!) so the patreon is just for part-time support of my furious typing.

You'll see on my patreon page I offer a couple of paltry rewards for pledges, but mainly it is just a donation to make sure video keep coming at the same rate and quality. Or, of course, to absolve you of any and all ad-blocking sins (unless you are already in the Youtube Premium Illuminati).

The 'Treasure Stash' you can access to for pledging $5 or more contains various materials made in the process of running the channel, including artwork, scripts, songs, voice overs and other random misc I throw in there. It even has a few bits relating to unreleased future things, and things not related to the channel at all, just for funsies.

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