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Devin's OLD Blog
I don't remember what it's about
The Blog That Was Remembered
You probably thought I was dead, seeing as I forgot to blog for like 4 months. You were right, but now I'm back to write again about the...
It's the OffyD Corp. Shareholder Meeting 2020
Roughly once a year I dare to look at my analytics and try to work out where it's all going wrong. In order to give myself more incentive...
Actual Channel News September 2020
Just a quick one where I'll talk about actual channel news for once. On the narrative front, the Stelarris series will be ending in...
Still Doing That Thing On Youtube
People of Earth, hear my commandments. Like. Comment. Subscribe. And SMASH that pandora-forsaken bell button! So yeah, not really...
Man Remembers To Write Blog Post (Full Story Inside)
It's been a busy two months here at Offy D corp, and now I finally have time (/have remembered) to tell you this tale. And I hope you're...
(Officially) A (Dev)eloper (In) Real Life
The time of salvation is almost upon us! Come, children of the cosmos, and rejoice, for in like 3 weeks I will be releasing Godless...
Yes I forgot last month. Feb is a shorter month, how am I supposed to FEEL the blog energy? So here's what's going on with the Offy D...
JANMANPLAN - A blog post
Pestilence. War. Famine. Death. Do the the Four Horsemen (bit sexist) ride?! This month we at the Offy D Corp learned that we're all in...
Hindsight is 2020 lololololololololol
Welcome to the Offy D end of the year extreme blowout super blog! Since I forgot to write anything last time, I'll bring you all the...
It's Time to Make OfficiallyDevin Great Again / For the First Time / For the Last Time
Listen up, I'm the new boss of the Offy D Corp, and let me tell you, there's gonna be some changes around here. Changes of a...
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