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Yes I forgot last month. Feb is a shorter month, how am I supposed to FEEL the blog energy? So here's what's going on with the Offy D Corp. Due to an onset of COVID19 in the local human population, all employees have been isolated to a small room with a desk and PC, from where they shall work from home. Yes, all this quarantine and general downfall of society and... I DON'T EVEN HAVE AN EXCUSE TO NOT GO TO WORK. So, this is the curse of never going to work in the first place...

Numbed to quarantine already really

So yeah, nothing happened, that's the news, just whipping out the usual videos. However I'm sure all this hubbub has sabatotaged my life in two particular ways. 1) The new recycling bin I ordered weeks ago will likely never get processed. 2) I still haven't been accepted into the 'steamworks' program, which is the thing that lets you put games on steam! I had to submit a load of identity documents, so I've sent all that off, but that was a couple of weeks ago now, and I've heard nothing back. Chances are they don't have the pen-pushers available to push my extremely heavy pens, so basically the Godless Tactics projects is on hold until I find out what's going on with that.

I was so close...

The game is pretty much done; bored of testing it, founds loads of good bugs during the tesing period though, so special thanks to all the testers who helped with that! Once steam lets me in, I'll work out what kinds of promotional material I need and start putting a store page together. Could be tomorrow. Could be 6 months. Is the world fated to be denied the foremost video gaming experience of history? True, we don't deserve Godless Tactics, but can it not simply be god-emperor Devin's gift to humanity?

I like to type code

That's it really, still haven't got lods of subscribers, but will probably get 30K this year if they keep trickling in over the next few months. The Fire Margin approaches completion EXTREMELY slowly, with it just now inching into the final section - the shek and hiver arcs are done, but now they combine as we move into the skeleton arc! It's at something like 160000 words right now, so it's going to be quite the tome once done. Will certainly be printing out a copy or two, and attempting to make it available to buy as merch, that would be seriously cool.


Trying to think if anything of note has actually happening in the last 2 months and... not really. Let's fill up some space by ranting about...



Other than the usual obligations, I think it's pretty much just been Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I completed it! Horray! I think it's more friendly than Dark Souls, as it relies a lot less on having access to outside info e.g. knowing where to go. It's shorter and more straight forward. Although, there are a few points where the only way to progress is to find a hookshot point, and if you happen to not see it, you get stuck, which happened to me a couple of times, and happened again yesterday on NG+ as well! It shares some quality of life issues with Dark Souls, most notably that if you need to fight a boss to proceed, the game's pace grinds to a halt, and then you get stuck in a repetitive loop of just going from the last checkpoint to the boss over and over. I really think you could just respawn literally at the boss if you die, so you can try it a lot of times in quick succession.

But forget all that, let me rant about the REAL reason why Seriko is 0/10. YOU PRESS UP TO USE AN ITEM. UP! This is an outrage. Listen, in Sekiro, you need to either be moving or parrying all the time, otheriwse you die. This uses the left stick, and left trigger. I challenge you to also be using the D-pad while keeping these buttons in use. You have to make this weird claw thing with your hand, and because left and right on the d-pad change items, you will likely accidentally change item while trying to use the current one, or be unable to change them quickly due to trying not to die. In Dark Souls you pressed square, which is 100000x easier and faster. From start to finish I was tortured by these controls, and I shall never forgive them.

Next soulslike game confirmed

Also at the beginning it tells you to press L1 'when the enemy weapon is a hair's breadth away' to deflect (i.e. as it touches you), but you actually need to press it much earlier, especially with human reaction time, so this had me very confused until I accidentally started doing it 'too early' and noticed it was suddenly really easy. I was betrayed. BETRAYED. I died more than twice.

I now have Monster Hunter World and Assassins Creed Origins on PS4 to play, and literally like 30 unplayed games on steam, epic, and gog. If I had an excuse to not keeping making videos, this would be the time, but alas... ALAS! [swoons in the fashion of an 18th century noble].



That'll do. Now that there is a curse that causes you to possibly die if you ever touch someone, and introverts have taken over the world, this is a great time for video games and videos about video games. Offy D Corp's stock will beat the downward trends, for sure!

You fools! It seems the turntables are here!

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