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Devin's OLD Blog
I don't remember what it's about
(Officially) A (Dev)eloper (In) Real Life
The time of salvation is almost upon us! Come, children of the cosmos, and rejoice, for in like 3 weeks I will be releasing Godless...
Yes I forgot last month. Feb is a shorter month, how am I supposed to FEEL the blog energy? So here's what's going on with the Offy D...
JANMANPLAN - A blog post
Pestilence. War. Famine. Death. Do the the Four Horsemen (bit sexist) ride?! This month we at the Offy D Corp learned that we're all in...
It's Time to Make OfficiallyDevin Great Again / For the First Time / For the Last Time
Listen up, I'm the new boss of the Offy D Corp, and let me tell you, there's gonna be some changes around here. Changes of a...
I'm going to get a new desk this year. AND OTHER NEWS.
After just ranting about 3K total war in the last blog, I'm going to settle down and actually talk about goings on at the Offy D corp...
if(System.DateTime >= DateTime(25,1,2019){Blog b = new Blog(ContentType.Rants,ContentType.Memes);
BEEP BOOP! That's, 'hello there' in machine language. It's me, the number 346,741 youtuber (according to social blade), Offy D, here to...
The Democratic People's Channel of OffyD
Greetings brothers and/or sisters. How goes your struggle against the capitalist imperialists today? I'm feeling particularly monetised...
Noo Bloog Poost foor Yoo
This month I did a video make. Can I habe zee youtoobe money nao? NEIN! Okay, let's try really hard to remember things that actually...
This May Be A Blog Post
In an almost unbelievable twist, I'm going to begin this blog with ACTUAL LEGITIMATE BLOGGING CONTENT. This is an event so rare that...
This is not a blog post
APRIL FEWLS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Right, now that we've got that 'out' of the 'way', lemmie tell you about the gripping drama of...
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