People of Earth, hear my commandments. Like. Comment. Subscribe. And SMASH that pandora-forsaken bell button! So yeah, not really anything special happening at the OffyD Corp this month. The main change recently is that I am no longer working on the best video game of all time, instead using the extra one or two 'sessions' of time that gives me each week to either a) make my narrative episodes too long or b) work on editing my script collections.
I still have the ambition of creating some kind of ebook store with edited version of the last year or two of narratives, and for The Fire Margin, have a physical copy available too. Only thing really holding me back is constantly overunning the schedule, so I keep using my Friday 'spare' working slots for catching up, mainly due to sometimes having to do big Kings and Generals recordings during the week. Those things have gradually gotten longer over time, which generally is good, since doing that on the 'side' is much more profitable to me than my own content!
Oh yeah, I have now done two streams on the K&G Channel. My suspicions are confirmed: streaming video games is the height of degeneracy. But we did it anyway. Due to having a chronic inability to operate my mouth when recording live, and due to my uncomfortable appearance on camera that I ranted about last month, they pretty much are just your standard pure trash streaming content. However in the more recent one, we had a historian there to talk about various things, which was much better! I think I'll probably advocate for making the streams more about history and less about watching me play video games since... it's a history channel! So watch out for 'Did Aliens Build The Pyramids? Live Debate' coming soon.
The upside was that we streamed Ghost of Tsushima, which I had managed to not know anything about until the day before the stream. Turns out it was fun, and I'm still playing it a couple of weeks later. This is unique because as a person living that luxury poverty lifestyle, it's extremely rare for me to a play a game when it's newly released, but since K&G paid for it as a 'business expense' or whathaveyou, an exception was made! While technically it's just a generic 'get the ? marks' open world video game, the way it combines a beautiful and peaceful aesthetic with intense and bloodthirsty battles is super cool. It's supposedly based on Japanese films from the past, so perhaps this aesthetic is all stolen from something else, but it works very well in open world format. Still struggling with the Sekiro-style 'press L1 just before you die to not die' parrying system, due to the continuing mystery of what 'just before' actually means.
Okay let's talk about my disgusting youtube channel. I'm coming to the end of my two abridged commentary things, and will be holding a vote for what's next. Personally I am just adrift with no particular preferences, so what I'll do is leave it up to the audience, then complain about their decisions later. Perfect! The good news is that the abridged series' continue to get decent views, so pretty much that's just what this channel is now.
But that said, I'm going to keep making video game fanfiction audiobooks with some of that classic artistic stubbornness. On that note I have no idea what I will make after my current Stellaris thing. I was considering going back to a total war title in a 'by popular demand' sort of way, but I have no ideas. Actually I did have an idea: play the TW Rome 2 Caesar in Gaul mini-campaign as Caesar, but tell the story entirely from the perspective of the Gauls he is killing. This idea was shot down by that DLC costing £14, and me being outraged at that prospect, especially given the quality of the free mods the game has available. Maybe there is a cool mod that will inspire me, like that old Roman Britain campaign I did, but I haven't brought myself to look yet.
The other thing I want to do, if I decide to ignore what my subscribers might actually want, is to play STALKER and write something depressing about that. I think I ranted about this in an earlier blog somewhere, probably like a year ago now. But yeah, generally no idea what I'm doing, as usual. With my current Stellaris story, it's been fun ramming in a bunch of science fiction concepts, and trying to fit a realistic appraisal of the future into the lame 'soft sci fi' game mechanics. Wait, I ranted about this last time. You know what, I'm pretty sure I have absolutely nothing to say this month. Oh - Godless Tactics sold 1337 copies. This is a special number in ancient internet culture. I'll be sure to throw it more people's faces over time. Should be at a million soon, right?
Still don't have COVID-19, and the food supply is back in action, so this month is better than the last in that regard. The carrots and spring onions are growing in a planter out back, there are bees living in the back fence, and hedgehogs mooching around at night out front. A few days ago I bought 48 rolls of toilet paper. Wondering if I'm getting allergies to white bread, and trying to eat less chocolate. The inner sole thing on my left boot came loose, even though it's pretty new, so I glued it back in. There you go, what's everything that happened this month at Offy D Corp.
Now go forth and try to have even more intense experience yourselves!
Oh and I also finished Assassin's Creed Origins, and I didn't understand the plot at all, but it had nice vistas. NICE VISTAS.