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Devin's OLD Blog
I don't remember what it's about
Season's Bleatings
Okay, after last month's fake blog, here is the real version. IT'S TIME TO RANT ABOUT YOUTUBE ANALYTICS, JUST LIKE IN THE GOLDEN DAYS OF...
Was gonna blog but...
... I looked at my analyics instead. SCARY. Turns out my channel SUCKS. Might try a couple of things... secret for now... mumble...
The Democratic People's Channel of OffyD
Greetings brothers and/or sisters. How goes your struggle against the capitalist imperialists today? I'm feeling particularly monetised...
Noo Bloog Poost foor Yoo
This month I did a video make. Can I habe zee youtoobe money nao? NEIN! Okay, let's try really hard to remember things that actually...
Greetings, denizens of 'reality'
IT'S RAINING! Yes this is the UK, land of eternal damp, but it's been like SOMEWHAT WARM for like A FEW days, and this rain is now a gift...
Hello fellow kids, let's talk about what's happening on everyone's favourite channel in everyone's least favourite genre. This week was...
Now THIS is blogposting!
Yo readers. My name's Tayne, and I'm your latest dancer. Wait, I mean my name's Big D and I'm here with another grade AYYY blogposting...
This May Be A Blog Post
In an almost unbelievable twist, I'm going to begin this blog with ACTUAL LEGITIMATE BLOGGING CONTENT. This is an event so rare that...
This is not a blog post
APRIL FEWLS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Right, now that we've got that 'out' of the 'way', lemmie tell you about the gripping drama of...
Cold Meme Man Makes Post | "He a cold memer" - Stephen Hawking
Golly gosh would you look at the chronograph! It's time for another stonking post on the old blogogram from the old boy himself! This...
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