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Devin's OLD Blog
I don't remember what it's about
JANMANPLAN - A blog post
Pestilence. War. Famine. Death. Do the the Four Horsemen (bit sexist) ride?! This month we at the Offy D Corp learned that we're all in...
It's Time to Make OfficiallyDevin Great Again / For the First Time / For the Last Time
Listen up, I'm the new boss of the Offy D Corp, and let me tell you, there's gonna be some changes around here. Changes of a...
It's Devin "Two Screens" of Wales
It's done! I am now sitting in sunny/rainy-in-rapid-alternation wales! What does this mean for the Offy D Corporation? Well it means I...
May the -4th be with you... Look, I'm ill!
*SNIFF* I have a cold wahhhHhhgghsniff. Had to not record the last couple of days which had set my precious schedule out of whack, and...
if(System.DateTime >= DateTime(25,1,2019){Blog b = new Blog(ContentType.Rants,ContentType.Memes);
BEEP BOOP! That's, 'hello there' in machine language. It's me, the number 346,741 youtuber (according to social blade), Offy D, here to...
Season's Bleatings
Okay, after last month's fake blog, here is the real version. IT'S TIME TO RANT ABOUT YOUTUBE ANALYTICS, JUST LIKE IN THE GOLDEN DAYS OF...
The Democratic People's Channel of OffyD
Greetings brothers and/or sisters. How goes your struggle against the capitalist imperialists today? I'm feeling particularly monetised...
Blessings be upon you, for 'tis January
2018. Over two thousand years since we were eternally forgiven for our sins (or something), and yet here we are, seeing Youtube hammered...
Video games? Video games?! + WHERE'S MA MONEY?!
Recently I have been playing a lot of video games. And at least one of them was developed by me, how about that! Yes, it's time to...
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