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Blog entry about things in November and some of December

I did have a really long blog entry prepared about the CA mod awards, but I realised it was terrible, most likely on account of me writing it while on trains or in hotel rooms, spewing long-winded rants to pass the time.

So instead, here's some arbitrarily arranged thoughts on the last month at OfficiallyDevin HQ.

One thing that happened, as you might have Sherlock'd already, is that I went to the CA mod awards! Jovial times with lots of good food, lols, and even for a brief moment some actual mod awards.

Stolen from Lionheart - I'm the grumpy looking one on the right

Saw some previews of the now-released Wood Elves content, and talked with some designers about both that and feedback on Total War Warhammer in general. I believe I'm not allowed to say what was said. All I'll hazard relaying is that budgetary concerns were the reasons behind most cut-backs design-wise, which I guess is what we all expected.

We did actually have the chance to send topics to discuss in advance, but sadly none of my objectively superior topic choices came up. It was interesting actually - they wanted to make a bigger deal of developer feedback sessions than last year since there wasn't enough time dedicated to it, yet this year even less time was dedicated to it, and only a couple of discussion points were covered. Probably just annoys because I have an infinite supply of questions for the TW designers built up over the years.

Anyway, enough about that. Did anything else interesting happen?

A difference to the last month compared to my usual routine has been the creation of low quality live-LPs, the 'This Is Content' series mentioned in a previous blog post. At first it was was kind of refreshing to be posting a different kind of video, but now after about 15 such videos released I just feel bad that I'm now spamming so many of them. That was always the point, but it's a shame that a subscriber sees mostly just spammed tryhard videos and not just the good ones dotted in between.

Devin's psycology in 1 image

It has had the positive affect on analytics that I wanted though - various things are up, especially rate of gain of subscibers, which is indeed the thing I suspected was most closely linked to video output rate. Thanks YouTube! But still I feel like going for a video every day is going to get a little tiring for the tolerances of those not interested in me doing funny voices.

My dream would be to get a second person with a similar approach to live LPing so the series could become a Game Grumps knock-off. I wonder if Jon Tron is free these days?

I'm sure some other stuff happened, but I won't remember it, so that's all folks! 5 hours and 20 minutes until PewDiePie deletes his channel according to his twitter, so best go out and find some popcorn.

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