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Spring: +1 Happiness to all Regions

Time for more ranting from ya boi Offy-D, and today we're celebrating the coming of spring with another red hot blog post that involves String.Format((Mathf.Infinity / 100f),"%") more carrots.

Poorly planted seed locations

It's happening ladies and gentlemen; the crop of a lifetime will soon sprout from the ground and be rapidly swept up into some kind of sauce to conceal the fact that all of these crops are horrible on their own. Especially the ants.

Over this last month I've been happy to see that my warhamer TIC series, catchily titled "JCCCPTWWWAUA", has done very well. And of course, this comes along with my own opinion that it is the worst TIC I've made so far. But that's probably just because I have a vague grudge against the game, which others clearly don't. So this has paved the way for me to consider more TW campaigns in the future for TIC, since after all a large part of my audience is the "TW Fan" demographic - that it took me this long to realise this is a sign that I am truly a strategic and insightful creator.

I notice all the smallest details

A few people did at first seem annoyed that I was playing the game ironically, but hey, there are plenty of genuine playthroughs of them thar total wars out there on the tubes. AND THEY ALL SU-

So while all that's been going on I've been trying to get some sort of idea of what plot events I want to happen in the final act of Nariko's Treasure. As I mentioned in a blog once before, the first two acts were vaguely planned out from the very beginning, but here in the third act the gameplay is too unpredictable to make much of a plan.

One thing I need to avoid is actually attempting to play the game to completion (conquering everything) since that will be very tedious and repetitive for all involved. So instead I'll have to contrive some situation where whatever happens in the game will somehow justify the 'surrender' of the rest of the clans at some point. Basically going to be winging it, but that's all I'm doing with Fields of Mars and people seem to like the rough story that's formed out of that.

I've got this list of things I'd like to happen, with lots of nice dramatic revelations that could be inserted if the right gameplay happens to emerge. We'll just have to see. Need to make sure I make the plot clear at least, as I've tried to weave some depth into the series with implied plot events. Mostly this works fine, but some of the future ones could end up being far too hard to decipher, since they get a little complicated.

In other news I've been filming a Pokemon Green TIC, which in my own opinion is coming out really well. Won't be releasing it for a while, but when I do I hope that the fact everyone and their mother's played Pokemon will help it be a popular series.


Later this week I'll be jetting off (*in a car) to the distant land of Scotland, in order to enjoy dramatic landscapes, dramatic roads and dramatically increased amounts of exercise. Will be a week off from the video mine, which is probably the first break I've taken since the last time I went to Scotland, which was probably about a year ago now. Many people say consistency is key to YouTube; I've definitely got that in one form or another.

Also happening in Devin's life: playing the harmonica, lesbian dragon anime and videos of shiba inus. IN BETWEEN LOOKING AT MEMES THAT IS!!!

If I had a VR headset...


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