What makes a man? Is the deeds he does? Is it the company he keeps? NO! IT'S THE BLOGS HE WRITES!
Yes, it's time for more shlogposting, as I attempt to remember if anything interesting happened this month. Pretty sure it didn't. WELL CYA-
Okay, here's what happened. I have been doing a fair bit of writing for the world famous upcoming video game that I so often mention, making the lore for settlements. Now over 150 different places in the world, and there will probably be at least that many again before the map is all filled out! In fact the map is probably too big, since a lot of it won't technically be required for the game to work as I had planned, but I may be able to employ a most sneaky strategy to get around that which I won't spoil for now... *tension rises*
I've also been making videos for a youtube channel that I run. This has mostly been rather boring - been ages since I made a fun video, it feels like (although my halloween video wasn't all that long ago). The good news is that I can really really really see the end of Fields of Mars coming up this time, for reals and everything. Only issue with that is that I'll have to replace it with something, but I intend to make that the audience's problem with a popular vote. CAN'T BLAME ME IF IT TURNS OUT HORRIBLE THEN RIGHT?
I have been having fun making the current TIC series' in Computer Tycoon and Dungeon Maker. While neither are likely to be successful series view-wise, at least it wasn't such a slog to play like that darned Hags on Tour series, which itself didn't do very well, probably because I was moaning and noticeably uninterested half the time.
What we REALLY need is a game where you can play as a darned skeleton so good old Sammy boy can have another glorious adventure!
So here's an exciting story. Today they were meant to turn the electricity off to do maintenance. But they didn't. So nothing out of the ordinary happened in the end. Wait, is that an exciting story?
In other news I've been continuing my collaboration with Kings & Generals, narrating their mini-documentaries. Earlier this week I did one about Star Wars which had some pretty useful info on where the First Order actually came from, which retrospectively seemed like it probably should have been in that film about them that they gone and did. So if you haven't already, search up their channel and enjoy my delicious voice telling you various things!
I was also recording, just this morning, a speech for my starring appearance as Napoleon in some secret work being created by A Humble Pear, the famous historic storyteller who turns the campaigns of Lionheartx10 into master novels. Fortunately I did not have to do a French accent, although I did have to shout which led to me lamenting my poor acoustics - you need to sit away from the mic to shout without it getting all 'peaky', but then you can hear the echo and it sounds weird. One day I'll have a proper recording set up AND EVERYTHING. One day... How to get all the money please?
My eyes hurt guys. So much screen staring all day every day, especially in a dark room, it can't be good. At least my wrists don't hurt - my carpal tunnel syndrome has actually been pretty much cured thanks to the cushions created for me by the master threadthreader that also lives in this room sometimes. I would take a picture of them, but seriously do you really want me to?
Oh here's something that happened: I got 15k subscriebors! WoHO! So that's very nice, meeting the official 2017 goal early, mostly thanks to exposure I got from my various appearances on Kings and Generals and an endorsement from JackieFish, the greatest TW youtuber of all time (how do I know this? His twitter profile pic has inexplicably been my face for over a year - he clearly has taste).
Well, roll on winter, in which my videos contain lots of me commentating with a blocked nose, and if not that then it's more hoarse than normal on account of these darned storage heaters dehumidifying the air constantly. Woe is me and all that.
Was thinking of replaying Wolfenstein The New Order, inspired by how everyone says the new sequel is disappointing. Recently replayed Dying Light. You see this is how you avoid spending money on games! Probably got some more games that were sent to me for free in my backlog somewhere...
Look I don't have anything interesting to write about, we'll see if christmas brings any juicy gossip. If you could all please get me about 4X the number of subs that would be great, don't really need anything else right now. Cheers, bye then, okay, see ya, yeah, take care, haha, I know, go on then, bye, yep, okay, farewell, safe travels, see you later, good bye, yep, bye, bye then, bye. *hangs up* who was that?